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Benefits of HDD

Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is used for crossing roadways, congested areas, waterways, shore approaches, sensitive environmental areas and other locations that are either expensive for other methods or just not possible. Advantages of HDD include less disruption to traffic, cheaper cost, can have deeper and/or longer installations, shorter time for completion, directional capabilities and environmentally safer. It also has extensive use in urban areas for developing subsurface utilities and helping avoid extensive open cut trenches. The work area can also be safely modified to be more compact if space is ever limited.


Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is much cheaper than other conventional drilling methods.


HDD is environmentally friendlier and is much more useful for when surface impact needs to be minimized.


Permits are usually easier to obtain due to reduced surface impact and the crossings being secure and hidden.


HDD has extensive use in urban areas for developing subsurface utilities and helping avoid open cut trenches.

Location & Guidance


An important aspect of the drilling head is the location and guidance. Due to the drilling head not being visible from ground surface, if the drilling goes unguided or uncontrolled it could lead to substantial damage. This is why it is important for the drill head to be properly maneuvered. Guidelines developed by organizations promoting trench-less technology are followed for safe work execution and for the protection of government owned utilities.



A pilot hole is drilled on the designed path. The process starts with the receiving hole and entrance pits. The drilling fluid is collected and reclaimed through these pits to reduce costs and prevent waste.



The hole is enlarged by passing the back reamer. The reamer's diameter depends on the size of the pipe to be pulled back through. The diameter is increased based on the outer diameter or conduit for optimal production.



The product or casing pipe is then placed in the enlarged hole by way of the drill-stem, which is then pulled through the newly-reamed path behind the reamer to allow centering of the pipe.